Viewlands Elementary partners with several after-school care providers

Afterschool Care


Creative Kids

Creative Kids is the only onsite childcare program at Viewlands Elementary. Currently this program is at our temporary location at John Marshall and will move with us into the new building. Typically 20-40 of our Viewlands students attend this for afterschool care 2-5 days a week.
Our staff interact/engage with Creative Kids staff to best support students. We have a strong partnership with this program.

Small Faces

Small Faces is a North Seattle childcare program. This program sends a van to our location to pick up students. During the 2021-2022 school year we had 4-6 students attend this afterschool program.

North Seattle Boys & Girls Club

North Seattle Boys & Girls Club is another afterschool club program. We have approximately 15-30 students that attend this program.During the 2021-2022 school year SPS provided the option for students that attended this program to ride a school bus to the program location. The school bus option is based on capacity every year and is NOT guaranteed.

Washington Karate

Washington Karate is another North Seattle afterschool program. We have approximately 3-10 students that attend this program 1-5 days a week. This program provides afterschool transportation. This may not be offered every year.

Viewlands Elementary PTSA (VEPTSA)
PTSA unit ID number 6.15.340.


Viewlands Elementary School

10525 3rd Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98177


Main School Office Phone: 206-252-4400

Viewlands Elementary School website

Viewlands Elementary PTSA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

© 2024 by VEPTSA |  We respect your privacy

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