Learn about Volunteering at Viewlands!

Volunteer at Viewlands

Make a significant impact by volunteering at Viewlands! Whether you want to get fully involved or just contribute in your own way, we have a place for you. Our VEPTSA sponsored programs and events rely on the support of volunteers like you to be successful. Explore the information here to discover the exciting opportunities available and how to get started. Stay connected with our community by subscribing to our email newsletter and following our Facebook posts for updates on volunteering opportunities!

Volunteer with Viewlands teachers & students

In order to volunteer in person at Viewlands school, you must complete the Seattle Public Schools online volunteer application process. This can take 1-2 weeks to process for new volunteers so plan ahead. Volunteers need to be category A volunteers. We don’t typically need category B volunteers. If you are a returning volunteer, you may need to renew your registration under your volunteer profile. You have to renew your application every 2 years.

Already SPS approved? Or have questions? Contact our Volunteer team to get connected!

Current VEPTSA volunteer needs

VEPTSA has several ways to get involved as a volunteer. We need small scale leaders to help with classroom connections and VEPTSA committee chairs. There are also leadership roles on our board, or with the local, council, state, and national PTA. Whatever your desired involvement is, we would love to connect with you!

Here are open roles for the 2023-2024 school year:

Email VEPTSA if interested!

Enrichment Volunteers

VEPTSA is looking for additional Enrichment program support! The Enrichment Team needs volunteers to help with chaperoning after-school classes and helping with other administrative tasks. This is a great opportunity for grandparents or neighbors with flexible schedules. Spread the word!

Email us if you would like to help in this important role!

Hunger Intervention Program (HIP) Drivers

VEPTSA is looking for a few dedicated volunteers to support our partnership with the Hunger Intervention Program (HIP).

Every Friday morning one (1) volunteer driver is needed to pick up food from HIP headquarters in Lake City, deliver to Viewlands school, and assist with labeling prepackaged foods, then return the empty boxes back to the Lake City pick up location. Timing is flexible Friday morning. With at least 3-4 volunteers, each volunteer would only be needed once a month.

Email us if you would like to help in this important role!

Advocacy Team

VEPTSA Advocacy team is looking for more voices to help us with district and state advocacy around funding and other important issues. Please reach out to see how you can help.

Email us if you would like to help in this important role!

Events team

The Events team is responsible for planning and organizing events to help build and strengthen connections across the Viewlands community. These types of events typically do not have a fundraising component and should allow the participation of the entire community at no cost. Responsibilities include establishing an events calendar at the beginning of the year for 3-4 events, working with the communications team to create content to promote events, and coordinating with volunteers and other VEPTSA members as needed.

Estimated commitment is 1-2 hours per week, or 4-8 hours per month.

Events in the past have included: Annual Carkeek Salmon Walk (November), Snow Playdates (December-January), Staff Appreciation, Orca Cup soccer (new in 2023!), Family Dance, Movie Nights, and more!

Email us if you are interested in the Events team role!

Fundraising team

In close collaboration with VEPSTA leadership, members of the fundraising team focus on raising money for VEPTSA’s activities and programs through organizing major fundraising events, such as our Give Big campaign and the Spring Auction, and recurring events, such as at Mod Pizza, Brewery Pint Nights, or Nutty Squirrel Gelato. We aim to seek new ways to raise funds and increase capacity for programming and events for Viewlands students while creating opportunities for fun and community at our school.

Estimated commitment is 1 hour per week, or 5 hours per month, with more hours during key event periods.

Email us if you are interested in the joining the fundraising team!

Spring Auction team

In close collaboration with VEPSTA fundraising, members of the spring auction team focus on coordinating an annual  auction event to help raise funds for our community. Support is needed in donation procurement, event planning, or any other way you think you might be able to support.

Estimated commitment is 1 hour per week, or 4 hours per month, with more hours during key event periods.

Also! This year, our spring auction team is looking for individuals who can volunteer at North Beach Elementary’s auction on March 23. In turn, North Beach will provide a team of volunteers to support our auction.

Email us if you are interested in the joining this team!

Communications team (print, email, website, and social)

VEPTSA is looking for Communications team help!

  • Printed flyers – We need a volunteer to help with our event and other printed announcements. The team uses Canva to create flyers. Canva is also used for creating other graphics for web and social content. 
  • Email communications – We need a volunteer to help with our email communications, including our monthly newsletter editor (Orca Waves), and additional emails as needed.
  • Website editor – We need a volunteer to help with regular weekly updates to our website. This will include homepage and events page updates mostly, and other page updates as needed. Landing pages will be needed for special projects (spiritwear, yearbook, auction, or Give Big fundraising).
  • Social communications – We need a volunteer to to help 2-3 social posts a week, working with other PTSA board members to share about events, volunteer opportunities, and other important information.

If you have experience in one of these or want to start learning, let us know!

Email us for more information

Spiritwear coordinator

VEPTSA is looking for a Spiritwear Coordinator! Helps organize and coordinates Spiritwear for Viewlands Elementary. Responsibilities include communicating with the vendor, works with Communications team with marketing Spiritwear, organizing and distributing Spiritwear to students, manages sales and reports results to VEPTSA Board.

Email us if you would like to help in this important role!

Yearbook coordinator

VEPTSA is looking for a Yearbook Coordinator! Works with O’Connor Photography to help create a yearbook. Responsibilities include communicating with O’Conner and Viewlands staff to meet deadlines, helping with the annual yearbook cover contest by working with the Communications team and Viewlands to market it, and helping prepare for and manage yearbook sales.

Email us if you would like to help in this important role!

Financial Review committee

The Financial Review Committee will conduct an annual Financial Review of VEPTSA in June 2024. This is a requirement of the PTSA’s insurance, and is a helpful tool meant to assist the Treasurer and the rest of the VEPTSA Board in best practices. During a Financial Review, VEPTSA policies and procedures are being reviewed, and the committee’s feedback is important in providing insight.
There is a Financial Review Checklist found on the WSPTA website that will be used to help conduct the financial review. A committee report will be reviewed at a Board meeting prior to the end of the year.

Email us if you are interested in participating in the Financial Review Committee!


2024-2025 Team Openings

The VEPTSA Nominating Committee is seeking recommendations for next year’s team! All openings are listed below with a job description and estimated time. Email the nominating committee if interested!

Deadline for nominations is May 7, 2024.

Jr Co-President

The president helps lead the executive board, committees and appointed roles, assisting the team in meeting PTSA requirements and following a general timeline. The president presides over the board and general membership meetings, creates meeting agendas with the secretary, and meets monthly with Carrie Wheeler (Viewlands principal). This position is great for someone who likes to build connections, delegate work, and keep everyone on task following a general timeline.

Co-role, estimated commitment is 5 hours per week, or 20 hours per month, for each person. This may fluctuate with upcoming meetings, events, and other deadlines.

Email the nominating committee if interested!

Jr Co-Vice President

The vice president shares the work of the president in leading or overseeing teams, and presides over meetings when the president is not available. The vice president often oversees a committee, such as membership, advocacy, or FACE, or may oversee another area as determined by the current team.

Co-Role, estimated commitment is 5 hours per week, or 20 hours per month, for each person. This may fluctuate with upcoming meetings, events, and other deadlines.

Email the nominating committee if interested!

Jr Co-Treasurer

The treasurer is responsible for the financial operations of the PTSA. This role is form intensive, manages the budget, tracks incoming and outgoing funds, overseeing grants and scholarships, assists with IRS and other business deadlines, and presents budget updates at board and general meetings. This position is great for someone who loves attention to detail and spreadsheets.

Co-Role, estimated commitment is 1-2 hours per week, or 4-8 hours per month, for each person. This may fluctuate with upcoming meetings, events, and other deadlines. 

Email the nominating committee if interested!

Jr Co-Secretary

The secretary is responsible for record keeping. This includes sending meeting notices, maintaining orderly files, helping prepare meeting agendas with the president, highlighting unfinished business, and taking meeting minutes at board and general membership meetings.  This position works well for someone who listens well, takes great notes, and follows through. 

Co-Role, estimated commitment is 1 hours per week, or 4 hours per month, for each person. This may fluctuate with upcoming meetings, events, and other deadlines.

Email the nominating committee if interested!

Chair Roles: Membership, Advocacy, Enrichment, FACE

Chair roles include Membership, Advocacy, Enrichment, and FACE (Family and Community Engagement). These roles are up to 2 hours per week, or ~8 hours per month, though time committment will vary greatly depending on the time of year. For more information about these important chair roles, please contact the nominating committee.

Email the nominating committee if interested!

Appointed Roles: Events, Fundraising, Communications (print, email, website, social), Volunteer coordinator, Spiritwear and Yearbook

Appointed roles include:
Events Team
Fundraising Team
Communications Team (Email, Print, Website, Social)
Volunteer coordinator
Spiritwear coordinator
Yearbook coordinator

These roles are up to 1-2 hours per week, or ~4-8 hours per month, though time committment will vary greatly depending on the time of year. For more information about these important appointed roles, please contact the nominating committee.

Email the nominating committee if interested!

Email us to find out how you can help with VEPTSA! 

Viewlands Elementary PTSA (VEPTSA)
PTSA unit ID number 6.15.340.


Viewlands Elementary School

10525 3rd Ave NW

Seattle, WA 98177


Main School Office Phone: 206-252-4400

Viewlands Elementary School website

Viewlands Elementary PTSA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

© 2024 by VEPTSA |  We respect your privacy

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