Join us in supporting a bright holiday season!

December break is fast approaching, signaling a long break from both school and the essential services it provides. Every year Viewlands PTSA partners with the school to support Viewlands families in need over winter break. The Viewlands Holiday Gift Card and Book Drive helps by providing grocery store gift cards and new books.


Give to the gift card fund and use the Amazon wishlist for books. Select the Amazon wishlist registry address when checking out. Invite your friends, family, neighbors and community to support as well.


The Viewlands Holiday Drive will run November 9-November 30.
Gift cards and books will be given out by the school before winter break starts.

Our Holiday Drive has wrapped up but you can give anytime to our general fund. 

  • Total Amount Raised for Gift Cards 100% 100%

$3785 of $3500

  • Total Books Purchased 100% 100%

70 of 70

Questions? Email

Holiday Drive FAQs
What address do I select for the Amazon wishlist books?

When selecting books from the Amazon wishlist, use the gift registry address for “Jane Frances Coppa’s Gift Registry Address”. The Coppa family is helping organize the drive.

VEPTSA Holiday Drive book registry address

There might be some specific books that do not have the registry address option. In this case, you can ship to your home and bring the books into the Viewlands admin office for the “Holiday Drive”.

When do Amazon books need to arrive?

All Amazon book orders need to arrive by December 9. Thank you!

When will gift cards and books be gifted to families?

Gift cards and books will be given out by the school before winter break starts (last day of school before break is Friday, December 15). 

Is my gift tax deductible?

Viewlands Elementary PTSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Most monetary donations are tax deductible when there is no benefit from the contribution. Please reference IRS resources for more information.

Viewlands Elementary PTSA (VEPTSA)
PTSA unit ID number 6.15.340.


Viewlands Elementary School

10525 3rd Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98177


Main School Office Phone: 206-252-4400

Viewlands Elementary School website

Viewlands Elementary PTSA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

© 2024 by VEPTSA |  We respect your privacy

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